Sunday, March 25, 2007

Getting Zen while running

I missed Holy Mass tonight because of several reasons, but in a sense my spirituality hit reached a whole know plane today. At quarter to 6, I went for a run through my hometown.

The only way that I can describe the whole event was as if it all happened at once. It was not transcendent either. I wont say that it was an earth shattering experience, but it was one of those events in daily life that contains within it great deal of clarity and insight and most of all patience.

My run began slowly, for I hadn't run outdoors in months. Within the initial mile, I realsed that it is not how fast you run--this is not a race--but how much you enjoy the run that makes all the difference.

Often we exercise out of obligation, as a way of applying a Band-Aid to the wounds we create and aggravate by our own inability to live well. When we splurge on food it is to cover up something within us that we don't want to face. When we face ourselves in the mirror, swollen and wounded, we declare we will fix the problem right away. Five days in a row on a treadmill should make up for two weeks of emotional eating, the kind that comes with an inability to handle stress, depression and boredom. Hit the wieghts to cure the burgeoning waistline. Pilates will suddenly melt away the excessive flesh we have added to our frames, which strain under its weight.

It's a Band-Aid approach, a quick fix solution that never works and never fails to displease. Because of that, we associate the after-work or early morning workout more as an obligation rather than a way to feed the mind, body and soul with the goodness of activity.

By mile two I was embracing my even pace, happy to just go at a comfortable speed, not to strain my thankless legs, which without complaint, work hard to keep me moving each day. THe cold air felt good rushing into my nostrils and the warm air left a trail of steam.

On the third mile, before I stopped to stretch those diligent legs, my left shoulder began to hurt. This body was telling me something that was more clear than anything I've heard in a while: "Drink more water".

It's true. My body wasn't lying. Two cups of cofee and a soda, but no water today. None. How can I run without water. I listened.

The run was pleasing and peaceful and well worth it. I will sleep well tonight knowing that I not only did my best, but enjoyed it.

1 bowl of noodles with tahini sauce
1 bowl of green leafy salad with sesame dressing.
1 Poland Spring bottled water.

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