Well, there's a little difference, I suppose. She's addicted to a drug that's made out of a concoction of household cleaning products, gasoline and nail polish and cold medicine. I guess that shit, whether she shoots it, snorts it, smokes it or stuffs it up her ass helps her get through the day.
The same goes for some of the stuff that I eat too. We both act without conscience when it comes to our fundamental compulsions and maladaptive behaviors.
There's one striking difference, I suppose. Whereas meth addiction is the hardest addiction to break, an addiction to bad eating is not one that leads people to horrid night sweats, random acts of bizarre behavior or holding up the family dollar on on Grand Avenue.
It's weird to be a guy and admit to having an eating. Food addictions and vomiting are for women, we think. Right. I'm not sure that I could categorize myself as a compulsive eater. My eating habits are awful though.
Lately, under the direction of a counselor with the Catholic diocese in which I live, I have been trying to track what and when I eat. In addition to the scrutiny, I've been trying also to eat better.
Instead of piecing together the last two weeks of my routine, I'll start with today. After all, the point of starting this blog---and I have two others---is to share my journey from being overweight to just right! In addition to eating right, the counselor has suggested that I focus on the whole package, which includes a set sleep schedule. Let me tell you, that's much easier said than done. That's a whole other story, especially when you're forbidden from taking sleep aids or drinking--which really doesn't help anyway.
Well, I'm not going to make this a big affair for today. Thanks for reading. Anyway, this is what I ate today.
2 packages of cinnamon raisin oatmeal
1 green apple
1 tuna fish sandwich w/ lettuce, tomato and Monterrey Jack cheese.
1 can lentil soup
2 cookies
1 bag of Cheez-its
1 slice of pizza with tomatoes, eggplant and onion.
1 Gatorade freeze.
Well, that's a lot, when I look at it. Maybe this will help. A lot of people have blogged about their weight loss, with mixed effects.
Right now I weight 210. I'm not obese. In fact most people don't believe I weigh that much, but I do. In fact, I'm 27 pounds more than I was three years ago. Not good.
Tomorrow night, really late I have a hockey game. It is probably our last of the season, which makes me sad. I've lost some weight from playing hockey, and it's been great to return to the sport I grew up playing during the cold and snowy winters here in the Northeast. This season I've scored four goals and picked up four assists and four penalty minutes.
I'll snap some photos tomorrow and show you more of that!
(I'm number 4).
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